The Light Awareness Academy was born out of a vision of healing that accompanies its founder David Wared since birth. Since his earliest childhood, David Wared, a universal healer and philosopher of healing, practices healing on the physical, mental and spiritual levels.
For the first time in human history, there is a holistic philosophical appreciation for the overall view of human life and associated therapeutic healing training. This should be made available to modern humans as much as possible, because today's time needs this knowledge of healing in the entire design, in order to firmly anchor the highest humanity in mankind.
Light Awareness is born now, because the time has come to accompany man to his true greatness and potential, so that he acts self-responsible and transforms the social environment for the better. All possibilities of competent assistance are now open to lift the previous restrictions on the road to peace, freedom and prosperity for all.
To serve love and light – that is the highest that man can accomplish on earth. From the very bottom of his heart, David Wared has been a healer, counselor, awareness researcher, and founder of the Light Awareness Philosophy since childhood, supporting the human capacity for love, supreme insight, and healing.
His entire work as a healer, researcher, philosopher of healing and poet is motivated by his love for man and nature and he realizes his longing to protect extraordinarily the natural and cultural treasures of our planet. The evolution of human awareness and societies is of great importance. It is his greatest desire and deepest longing to convey the highest awareness to man and to enable deepest feeling, so that he continues his consciously designed path to expand and ennoble his love for being.
The refinement and perfection of human consciousness becomes an extended humanity that equally empowers all beings and enables world peace. This vision brings David Wared from the bottom of his heart and the widest mind, from unconditional devotion to the people, the animals, the plants and Mother Earth – in every moment and on all levels.
Light Awareness describes a unique ideal philosophy of modern times. It formulates a view of existence that is based on the aspects of extended humanity, the equal acceptance of thinking and feeling and on unity, and justifies this insight in a clear, understandable and logically comprehensible way. For the first time, the Philosophy of Light Awareness answers completely and clearly the human questions:
A philosophy of today's time has the task of not only grasping and describing what is, but also to facilitate each individual's path to knowledge about oneself, by making him feel about the heart level as well. This means helping them to be more clear and compassionate when dealing with their fellow human beings and with all the creatures of the universe, because without compassion, there is no access to oneself and to others.
Every knowledge begins with a vision, an inner image that manifests as the temporal horizon of our perception expands. In recent years, more and more people are observing and experiencing an acceleration in all processes of their environment and in their further development. Forecasts of social and individual developments have often been surpassed by reality in recent times. Much of what has recently seemed impossible and unthinkable nowadays seems to happen on its own. For some developments, time seems ripe now.
From the philosophy of an extended humanity, David Wared has developed the lightessence therapy as a healing method, which helps the human awareness through impulses to the dissolution of its shadow aspects. This method is based on the eternal principles of spiritual reality that David Wared philosophically explores and fully explains. Healing is a process of development that raises awareness in a higher vibration and lifts it out of the limitations of suffering.
Meditation means the fulfillment of the deepest longing, the discovery of miracles and the unique with all the senses and the greatest sense. It is the fulfillment of the longing in which life reveals itself. Searching for the purpose of life and for the solutions of blockages and pain states becomes more and more of finding and increasing inner contentment when the focus is on the source of salvation within. Those who lead the way on the path of knowledge are freed from suffering and can also help other people.
The Philosophy of Light Awareness establishes and describes the interaction of body, mind and soul on an individual, global and universal level. It is thus a philosophy of salvation that reveals to mankind ways of liberation, healing and self-knowledge and provides answers to all essential questions of the individual, society and the universal.
The LightYoga was developed by the yoga master David Wared from classical yoga to incorporate his healing thoughts and healing effects into the yoga. It represents a new way to self-liberation and the mastery of life. This path is based on the Philosophy of Light Awareness, which was also brought into the world by David Wared.
Lightconstellation according to David Wared is the opening of the field of wisdom in man that reveals liberation, healing and self-knowledge. Themes from all aspects of life can be brought to light with this healing method. Thus, the seeker of healing has the chance to completely liberate himself, to heal essentially and to recognize his highest self.
This unique movement meditation is based on the Philosophy of Light Awareness by David Wared. Energy Dancing is a way of transforming emotions into movement, helping one to touch one's inner self and express oneself individually.
The offer includes the Light Essence Therapy and the training modules for philosophical consultants based on the Philosophy of Light Awareness according to David Wared. The training as a Light Essence Therapist takes place in 24 seminar units (2 years), which usually follow each other on a monthly basis. Each seminar runs over a weekend, some seminars are summarized in an educational trip.
There are as many facets of meditation as there are people. Common to all is the goal to silence the mind and the senses in order to directly and immediately experience the inner reality of the heart. In the training, you will receive an overview and be prepared in detail for your task as a meditation teacher. Based on the Philosophy of the Light Awareness, you will be taught theoretical knowledge and practice will teach you the basics of the highest awareness and oneness.
This private study of philosophy is designed for the new age and the new man under the personal guidance of the founder. For the first time, the Light Awareness Academy offers a study program for those who are interested in philosophical questions and paths of knowledge or who would like to deepen their knowledge of the healing methods of Light Essence Therapy and leading meditations.
To open ONESELF, to engage, to accept and expand are possibilities to perceive, to intensify and expand our heart-vibrations. Another way to discover one's BEING by opening one’s heart is to experience the soul alive through the power of the heart.
We are pleased to offer you a variety of education for your liberation, healing and self-knowledge.