

The knowledge and realization of his nature leads man into unity, because out of his true origin and creation in general there is no duality of light and shadow, good and evil or conscious and unconscious. There is complete unity in the nature of man both for himself and with all creatures and their Creator. If the human being is fully aware of himself, he has arrived at the goal of his life's journey and thus in the Light Awareness. The statements of the highest wisdom concerning the eternal principles of love, truth, peace, freedom and unity are brought into daily life in pure form and experience bliss, because his longing is fulfilled in the very core of his self and nothing could interfere with his joy and self-expression.

On your development path to pure Light Awareness, we experience both progress and regression and times of apparent stagnation. Success comes when we go through all the steps to our interim goals and grow inwardly. In the duality follows the effect of the cause: Success occurs when it is caused by sustainable methods.

Each path of awareness takes place in the four phases:

What to do if obstacles or blockages seem insurmountable on this path?

The Light Awareness Academy creates the prerequisites to help people as much as possible in their entire path of knowledge. It's all about recognizing his deeper meaning and vocation and bringing it to life. So bliss comes in his everyday life and the entire mankind continues to evolve. In addition to meditation and Light Essence Therapy, you can also receive competent support and crisis intervention in the form of consultation, supervision and assistance in order to support all modes of knowledge.

This will allow you to broaden your horizons and grow with the challenges of life. You will learn to hear the call of your mind clearly and to interpret the longing of your soul correctly. Your adviser can give you clues and impulses in goal definition, declaration of will, potential analysis, vision development and liberation from old habits and patterns of perception.

Together with your advisor you will find ways to success, to fullness and to your liberation. Highest happiness and new freedom await you when you realize who and what you really are. The fulfillment of your goals, which you realize in your life through your vision, also frees the people who are close to you and the whole world community of old burdens and supports their true expression. As a result, your Light Awareness expands and you can extend your light to others and the whole world.

What is the appropriate form of support for you, your family or your company?

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"Insight leads to realization, gratitude leads to greatness.
Trust leads to the truth. Forgiveness leads to freedom.
Devotion leads to love."

David Wared

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