Light Essence Therapy by David Wared
Light Essence Therapy by David Wared

Light Essence Therapy by David Wared

From the philosophy of an extended humanity, David Wared has developed the Light Essence Therapy (LET) as a healing method that helps human consciousness to dissolve its shadow aspects through impulses. This method is based on the eternal principles of spiritual reality that David Wared philosophically explores and fully explains. Healing is a process of development that brings consciousness into higher vibrations and leads it out of the limitations of suffering.

Light Essence Therapy is essential for the development of the mind, for the peace of the soul and for the expansion of the spirit. It therefore promotes people as individuals in every case, helps communities and organisations to achieve their goals and neutralises the damage and wounds caused to the earth's body and to nature as a whole by human inattention. Self-knowledge and extension of the horizon of perception are important prerequisites for overcoming separation, diseases, suffering, ignorance and harmful behavior. The Light Essence carries in itself the healing impulses, in order to overcome the burdens of old beliefs, the Light Essence Therapy creates the conditions for this.

Man receives from the eternal Being impulses for his higher development, which lead him to his true and eternal being. This force serves the development of the whole and connects everything that exists with each other. It is the universal carrier of energy and information in the being of all manifestation. In traditional teachings, it is called life force, chi or prana, among others. The healing philosopher David Wared gave it the name Light Essence in reference to its close relationship to light, which illustrates the essence of both matter and the spiritual.

Light Essence is the ethereal nature from which life forms receive their universal life force in duality. It comes from the very basis of all creation, the primordial being. It is the purely spiritual " substance of life ", a kind of universal medium for all forms of awareness. From the universal ether field of being the light essence flows into the material dimensions of manifestation and has an ordering and life-giving effect in all living things.

All organisms can be supplied with it, because the matter and the ether space merge smoothly into each other, connected by the dimension of Light Essence. Through this gate, the Light Essence passes from the purely spiritual field into the materially manifested spirit and effects the material realization of ideas and plans. In this way, the body, soul and spirit of man are kept alive.

Those who are familiar with and can deal with the Light Essence are able to heal themselves and others, to support others in their development and to create everything in the universe, since essence of light is nothing else but light in a generalized and spiritual sense.

„Essence people are joyful people
who make the lives of others come alive
out of their liveliness.“

David Wared

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